Friday, October 23, 2009


GUess what,

hey there yesterday made the biggest mistake of my life i kissed him!!!!! illll!! Yea well i didn't he made me practicly made me it suked so bad but then again was weied but i feel so bad lol it was crazy i was walking to 7th after i finishing talking here and we was walking and i was like no matt cuz of shanna and he was like he doesnt care so then like he came to me and kissed me out of suprise and i was like wtf but then i just went alondg with it and cause i was going to twell shanna cuz i think its messed up now everyone is telling me not to tell her but i wouldnt like it if she did it to me but for now i wont say anything lol anywho last night it was movie night i watched transformers real good movie but i am going to telll her cause thats my bff for life and its messed up i have never felt like crap in my life but yea then all day today chilled at the house and now its nighttime going to a big party at the park with all my friends kind of scared have a feeling imma be fighting tonight but i have to go now cause everyones leaving so i will talk tommorow so bye then

Love always
excited jazmin